A beautiful two acre meadow rich with wild flowers and bordering ancient and semi natural woodland, The Roost is situated within an SAC (Special Area for Conservation) and is close to a maternity roost for the endangered horseshoe bat.
The woodland is home to an array of wildlife and our meadows are a favourite spot for the local deer and badger population.
In the daytime, sit in the meadow and watch the birds, bees and butterflies – the meadow is planted and designed to encourage wildlife. Enjoy identifying some of the wildflowers. Here’s some of the ones we’ve found so far: Snow Drops, Primroses, Red Campion, Tufted Vetch, Wild Carrot, Ox Eye Daisy, Crown Daisy, Red & White Clover, Yarrow, Scabious, Cow Parsley, Dog Rose, Mallow, Cow Slip, Foxglove, Herb Robert, Bluebells, Celandine, Birds Foot Trefoil, Yellow Trefoil, Lesser Trefoil, Germander Speedwell, Greater Stitchwort, Ribwort Plantain, Meadow Vetchling, Bird Vetch, Catsear, Knapweed, Yellow Kidney Vetch, Hedge Woundwort, Meadow Buttercup, Selfheal, Poppy, Orange Hawkbit, Chicory, Yellow Great Mullein, Common Knapweed, Speak Thistle, Yellow Sweet Clover, Ladies Smock, Joe-Pye Weed, Burnet Rose, Thyme Leaved Speedwell, Milk Thistle, Hedgerow Crane’s-bill, Doves Foot Crane’s-bill, Heal-all, Snake’s Head Fritillary, Tuberous Comfrey, Borage, Wood Anemone, Sweet Briar, Scarlett Pimpernel, Sweet Violet, Yellow Rattle, Water Avens, Sanguisorba, Corncockle, Cutleaf Geranium, Lewisflax, Common Fumitory, Purple Loosestrife, Meadowsweet, Common Sainfoin.
If you can spot another, take a photo and let us know!
Our naturally fed wildlife pond is teaming with life, we are frequently visited by four different varieties of Dragon Fly and have many frogs and toads. In the long grasses we have built various reptile hibernaculums – if you are lucky you will spot sunbathing lizards or slow worms.
At night time, sit outside on the veranda to watch the amazing flight displays by the bats or just stare at the stars and listen for the owls.
We are constantly seeking to further improve and enhance the meadow habitat and are proud members of The Gloucestershire Wildlife Trust and are part of their Wildlife Guardian Scheme. With them, we have created a comprehensive meadow management plan. Get involved – they are always hosting and running some great local events – take a look Gloucestershire Wildlife Trust – they would love to see you!
If you would like to help too, please would you consider making a donation to the Trust as part of your booking? I will match fund your donation and together we will make a real difference to the protection of wildlife in the county.
We have taken a pledge and committed to taking action against climate change.